Week 8—Player Movement

For player movement I used the same script that was given in the tutorials. The EightWayMovement script.
The game is very limited with a UI at the top left corner for health and mana. The background for the UI is just placeholder.
There is also sprint UI at the bottom middle of the screen.
The actual game background is art stolen from the tutorial to create the basic background.

I modified the script to implement dashing.
It has a cooldown, max dash time limit, a bar near the bottom of the screen that shows how long until your dash runs out and a small invincibility window when dashing.
When the player stops dashing the bar at the bottom refills and is full when the player can sprint again. The refilling always starts from the start to the end of the bar. I would prefer the bar to start refilling from when the player stopped sprinting but I couldn't get the implementation right. I might work on getting it the way I want in the polish stage of the game

The background of the health and dash timer turns gold for the duration of the invincibility window. Might add a gold tint to the player as well at some point.

Didn't plan on implementing the short invulnerability period when dashing so I think I might've encountered feature creep already.

I didn't show off my progress to the class because the name of the game is cringe so I got self conscious. Oops.


index.zip Play in browser
Sep 08, 2022

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